Dvě zatčení po nebezpečné explozi ohňostroje na veřejném prostranství v Malajsii

Police arresting two men for setting off fireworks that caused chaos and sent people running at Dataran Zero near the Sungai Petani bazaar have highlighted the dangers of mishandling fireworks. The incident occurred late at night on Monday, April 8th, when a senior police officer reported a hazardous explosion of firecrackers and fireworks at the bazaar. A video of the alarming eruption was circulated on WhatsApp. Investigations revealed that the incident was a result of chain reaction caused by the burning of a firework called the ‘Happy Bomb’, which then ignited another cache of fireworks. Fortunately, there were no reports of fire or injuries to bystanders. The two perpetrators, a 27-year-old man in possession of the fireworks and a 24-year-old who ignited the display, have been arrested and are currently under investigation.

This incident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in handling fireworks irresponsibly. In Kelantan, Malaysia, for example, 17 cases of injuries related to firecrackers and fireworks were recorded between March 19th and the present day. The victims, primarily young people between the ages of four and 40, suffered burns on their hands, face, and eyes. The majority of the injured were in the seven-to-16 and nine-to-12 age groups. It is crucial for both parents and authorities to educate young people about the proper handling and dangers of fireworks.

As the celebration season approaches, it is essential to prioritize safety. Fireworks can bring joy and excitement, but they must be used responsibly. Always follow proper safety guidelines, such as keeping a safe distance from the fireworks, wearing protective gear, and never attempting to relight a malfunctioning firework. Additionally, it is important to purchase fireworks from authorized vendors to ensure their quality and compliance with safety standards.

By promoting responsible firework usage, we can enjoy the beauty and excitement they bring while minimizing the potential risks associated with mishandling them. Let us make safety a priority during festive occasions and ensure a memorable celebration for all the right reasons.

1. What incident occurred at Dataran Zero near the Sungai Petani bazaar?
– Dvěma mužům zatčeným za odpalování ohňostrojů, které způsobily chaos a vyplašení lidí na Dataran Zero poblíž tržnice v Sungai Petani, tato incident upozornil na nebezpečí nesprávné manipulace s ohňostroji.

2. When did the incident take place?
– Tento incident se stal v pondělí 8. dubna pozdě v noci.

3. How was the incident caused?
– Ohledně incidentu bylo zjištěno, že došlo k řetězové reakci vyvolané hořením ohňostroje nazvaného “Happy Bomb”, který zapálil další sklad ohňostrojů.

4. Were there any reports of fire or injuries?
– Naštěstí nebyly hlášeny žádné požáry ani zranění mezi přihlížejícími.

5. Who are the two people arrested in connection with the incident?
– Za tento incident byli zatčeni 27letý muž držící ohňostroje a 24letý muž, který je odpálil.

6. How many cases of injuries related to firecrackers and fireworks were recorded in Kelantan, Malaysia?
– V Kelantanu v Malajsii bylo v období od 19. března do současnosti zaznamenáno 17 případů zranění souvisejících s ohňostroji.

7. Who are the primary victims of these incidents?
– Primárními oběťmi těchto incidentů jsou zejména mladí lidé ve věku od čtyř do 40 let.

8. What safety guidelines should be followed when handling fireworks?
– Vždy se řiďte bezpečnostními předpisy, jako je udržování bezpečné vzdálenosti od ohňostrojů, nošení ochranných pomůcek a nikdy se nesnažte znovu zapálit nefunkční ohňostroj.

9. Where should fireworks be purchased from?
– Ohňostroje by měly být zakoupeny u autorizovaných prodejců, aby se zajistila jejich kvalita a soulad s bezpečnostními normami.

– Fireworks: Ohňostroje
– Mishandling: Nesprávná manipulace
– Chain reaction: Řetězová reakce
– Cache: Sklad
– Bystanders: Přihlížející
– Responsible: Zodpovědný
– Safety guidelines: Bezpečnostní předpisy
– Protective gear: Ochranné pomůcky
– Authorized vendors: Autorizovaní prodejci

Related links:
o bezpečnosti při manipulaci s ohňostroji
s ohledem na bezpečnost spotřebitelů